Here’s one of those little-known secrets that could have saved hundreds, even thousands, of poor toes from the ‘meat grinder’! Open the link below and read thoroughly so you can question your potential surgeon; if it is met with his disdain, find another surgeon!
I found out about it as I was speaking to an elderly friend about my dismay at having to get my own toenails removed in the near future. She gasped and said ‘Look at this!” as she removed her shoes. There was nothing to see and I said as much; to which she responded ‘That’s the whole point!’ Then she went on to tell me about how so many years ago she had been ‘in my shoes’ for the same surgery but her doctor wanted to try something new and she agreed. She walked out of the surgery room on her own, took a Tylenol a few hours later, and missed only one day of work . . . not to mention there was no scar and minimal bandaging!
What had magically happened was that the surgeon had come to believe that it wasn’t the ‘toenail’ at all that was causing the trouble, but it was OVERGROWN SKIN instead! So he simply removed the excess around the toe and she never had a moments grief with her toes since! Whodathot!?
Read for yourself . . . give yourself the gift of ‘happy feet’ – and happy wallet – once again!
Ingrown toenail surgery option:

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